Thursday, February 18, 2010

Turkana Boy and Other Poems

Poor 'Turkana Boy', ressurrected from the sleep of the dead, Christened "homo ergaster'. Now he lives in labs and forms and texts and media, he never dreamed! Many worlds are lived at once you will never dream of, a father tells the son by the cattle byre, as they contemplate existence. The poor son does not understand: "what an old man sees sitting down, a young man cannot see it standing."

His skeleton is nearly 1.6-million-year-old, found near Lake Turkana, Kenya, belonged to an eight-year-old boy. Nicknamed "Turkana Boy" His fossil is more than five feet tall and he looks much more fully developed than a modern eight-year-old.

Analysis of the teeth, and bones, the experts say, indicates that the boy was still growing and probably would have reached six feet as an adult.

Where do the experts place Turkana Boy? They say he is a member of the species Homo ergaster, the first early human with long legs, short arms and a tall stature—body proportions essentially like our own.

Turkana Boy reconstruction by Gary Sawyer
© AMNH / Rod Mickens

When this fossil was found in 1984, the only other reasonably intact ancient hominid skeleton known was Lucy. But Turkana Boy is much more complete. This fossil has taught scientists a great deal about the body proportions of the species Homo ergaster. While Lucy was quite small and probably still lived in the trees part of the time, Turkana Boy and his kind were tall and lanky—and completely at home striding out on the open savanna.

Experts rely on two main physical features to estimate age: teeth and joints. Look for the evidence showing Turkana Boy was only about eight when he died.

  • TEETH: Turkana Boy still had some milk, or "baby," teeth in his upper jaw, and fewer than half of his permanent teeth had formed—signs that he was under 10.
  • JOINTS: As mammals mature, the spaces between the joint surface and the rest of the bone slowly close, or fuse. Many of Turkana Boy's joints had not yet fused.


Researchers have found a wealth of hominid remains in Africa's Rift Valley, a huge geologic structure that runs from Ethiopia and Eritrea south to Malawi and beyond. Lakes and rivers have long filled many of the basins within the Rift, and the surrounding areas were once home to early hominids. Many important discovery sites are near Lake Turkana, which lies mainly in northwestern Kenya. A wide variety of hominids have been found there—including some early members of our own genus, Homo, from almost two million years ago.

Abundant fossils of extinct animals have been found around Lake Turkana, located on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia. Some two million years ago, water levels were higher than they are today, and various hominid species flourished nearby.

And he's a photo by the experts of 'Turkana Boy'. Have fun!

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